Monday, November 23, 2009


I meant to update this blog before, but last week was quite stressful for our family, with K coming home, having dramatically changed her looks, and T-man having issues with it, and many meltdowns. Thanksgiving dinner was small and great, our cousin's daughter played with T and tried and tried to get him to talk to her most of the time. She is six and neurotypical.

Even though I've progressed over the years, autism still gives me a hard time with life. I have difficulties speaking, most of the time have no clue how to socially interact appropriately, and have many sensory issues. Academics didn't give me any issues until recent years, I have slight learning difficulties with story problems, applications of math, and abstract ideas. All of this is still better than the three year old who said nothing and understood nothing, and the six year old who didn't have any functional speech. It's been a long road, but it is even longer ahead of me. I'd like to teach special education some day.

T is just five, so a lot of his issues remain. He has only spoken a few times, and only since this spring. He is VERY bright and races through academics, he is on about a second grade level right now. He can read and write, and can communicate better this way. He is in special ed kindergarten. Yesterday, he spoke for the first time at school. He was finished with his work and wanted something to do, so he went up to an aide and said "book". We are so proud of our little T-man!

Mum is feeling better than she has in years, currently. We are very grateful for that, and that T and I are progressing, and for life.

1 comment:

  1. yaya so glad he spoke in school, thats excited yaya little tman hehehe. I feel ya on the speaking parts, some days though i find myself speaking really good, like today for some odd reason, but its usually when im angry or stressed, dont know why. I'm sure one day your dream of teaching special ed will come true, your very smart, and will prob do amazing things!
